July P*ssyscopes
It’s The Yoni Day Spa’s version of monthly horoscopes... but for your pussy. Read your Rising, Sun, and Moon to find out the perfect pussy products for your wellness, pleasure and beauty.

Happy Birthday, Cancer! It’s your SZN and you’ll have a lot of opportunities to expand or overindulge. Although it is your birthday, I recommend you don’t spend too frivolously. You may overdo it but you’ll be good as long as you’re aware. You are not your possessions! Don’t compensate for the feeling of inadequacy with buying more things that just take up space. It’ll be wise to just let yourself be spoiled by others or invest in luxury items that nurture your wellness. It is your birthday after all! You don’t have to be so protective over your possessions and values. A good way to channel this possessive energy would be to get connected to your 5 senses through sex (like Taurus would). You may get so caught up in your material possessions determining your worth that you forget your actual worth! Pussy prescription calls for masturbation to 432hz frequencies. Getting reconnected to your senses will improve how much fun you’re having in the bedroom. The frequencies should help with healing the relationship you have with your possessions being connected to your self-worth.
Leo, you have a lot of energy this month with Mars being in your 1st house. Maybe a little too much? You’ll want to keep a reminder to think before you act so you don’t regret your actions! On the flip side, things will only get worse if you hold things in and don’t express yourself. The pussy prescription for you this month is to get reacquainted with your erogenous zones. Which ones do you favor? If you don’t take the opportunity to do so now, you’ll be forced to do so later and it may even impact your health. Remember, sex is healing. Don’t let ego get in the way and be mindful of exhaustion. That would be your sign to take a beat and have an orgasm. Use this as an opportunity to talk to your heart. What feels good? Take some time to water yourself by tapping into your creativity and indulging in what you deem pleasurable *wink*. Pleasure is key for you this month and it’s ok to be selfish with your orgasms! This will help you communicate effectively and get clear on where you stand within your relationships (including the one with yourself) without jumping to conclusions. The Queen never chases! Don’t work too hard seeking the attention or approval of others, you know how you get Leo! Just be mindful of being too impulsive, impatient, or overindulgent.

Virgo, this SZN your discernment will come in handy. Your subconscious world will dictate your reality but you have a lot more control over it than you think. It’s a time where you’ll be able to benefit from realizing your relationships are a direct reflection of you and your relationship with yourself. Checking your mindset will be vital. This is an opportunity for real growth liberating you from self-limiting beliefs which is why discernment is also key. This could take a toll on your health if you choose to ignore the signs of these issues reflecting your subconscious world. You may feel like you're obliged to sacrifice your own needs for the sake of others but you actually have a say so through how you respond to any friction. Make sure you are getting proper rest and pay attention to your dreams. Maybe it would be a good time for some roleplay, too. Surrender, submit to someone you trust in the bedroom so you can release any pent-up aggression. You know you like being choked Virgo stop playing! Masturbation would also be encouraged so you can surf through your subconscious mind. Tying pleasure to the things that trigger you subconsciously can significantly change the narrative of how you respond to the matters that will surface. It’ll also help with those who may have trouble resting during this time.

Libra things are looking bright for you this SZN. Your gift of being objective will benefit you during times of turbulence. Balance is your superpower! Your career and vocation will be your focus this SZN but it looks like there may be some things that need to be handled from the past, from your roots, or from within yourself that are preventing you from stepping into your highest good. You don’t have to worry about feeling inadequate, Libra. You deserve to be loved on! Just remember what you receive outside of yourself is a direct reflection of your internal world. Ask yourself what’s getting in the way of you feeling confident in your capabilities? You have a lot that you’re looking forward to and can already feel your manifestations coming to fruition. Surround yourself with the people that love and value you. How about some sex magic too while you’re at it? That’s the pussy prescription for you this month! Sex magic is a powerful way to deliver your manifestations to the Universe. Orgasms are all you may need to let your dreams come true this time around *wink*. Release the tension through a big “Fuuuuuck” while you cum.

Scorpio, where are we traveling to this month? It would be a good time to focus on stimulating your mind and broadening your perspectives. Whether that be through a new book, class, or a sexual experience! Your ambition is what keeps everyone’s eyes on you this SZN. Just be mindful of being overbearing outside the bedroom. You're giving me dominatrix vibes boo! You can actually learn from the people you feel you need to compete with. Otherwise, you’ll face restrictions, disappointments, or delays from authority figures like parents or bosses. These restrictions appear outside of yourself to help you practice restraint in times where you may lose your cool, Scorpio. Restrain or be restrained. Sex is your arena where you’re able to channel this energy more effectively if you’re not utilizing it in you’re career or public image. Have fun taking charge and asserting how things will go on your terms. It’s your bedroom, they’re just rocking in it. Don’t be afraid to have fun and get creative, Scorpio!

Sagittarius, this month you’ll be feeling a bit more internal than usual. It is Cancer SZN after all. Your inner world will need some tending to so you can prevent outbursts stemming from your deep psyche. You can be dogmatic when your ego gets entangled with your beliefs, Sag. Differentiating beliefs are not a threat to your personal beliefs. They are more like fuel to a fire of inspiration! Allow yourself to be inspired by all things that are different from what you believe in rather than feeling threatened. This includes broadening your horizon with your sexual experiences. Let someone teach you something for a change Sag or maybe you have some new tricks you'd like to share, am I right? You know what you’re really craving is spontaneity and you deserve to give yourself that! Just be safe as always and don’t go overboard like you’re used to.

Capricorn, your relationships will be a huge focus and big help for you this SZN. LET PEOPLE HELP YOU! You are not an island and you don’t have to do it alone. Receiving help from others doesn’t make you inadequate. It would be helpful to get a reading from an astrologer or psychic. You’re going through a wholistic transformation Cap. Starting with your identity, which really starts with your deep interconnected psyche, is where things will be brought to the surface. This month is a good time to use sex as a transformative tool. People underestimate how much of a freak you really are Capricorn. The definition of, “A lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets!” Ok!? Having sex with someone you can exchange souls with can be truly healing for you. This helps you transcend your ego and get more connected with yourself as well as your interconnected psyche. Sex might be the conduit for getting to the root of why you may feel undeserving of intimacy in all forms.

Aquarius, cooperation and compromise are important for you to keep in mind this month. Just don’t compromise your well being for the sake of others! Your inner world has been going through some changes and that’s all the more reason to make sure you aren’t ignoring your own needs. The pussy prescription for you this month would be to take some alone time with your inner Goddess. Spend some time exploring your pleasures and what you find fulfills your needs. Once you’ve taken the time to do that, you can then take it up a notch with some one- on-one action with your boo. Be vocal about your needs, don’t be afraid to speak up about your likes and dislikes. Practicing this in the bedroom with self or with your partner will help you implement this in the way you go about life in general. You know there are no bounds to your kinks, so have fun!

Pisces, this month you have the opportunity of getting to know yourself so that you can actually be yourself. With your sign being ruled by Neptune, sometimes you may have trouble with knowing where you begin and others end, causing you to assert yourself more than usual this month. Maybe you can use that to your advantage. Get to know who you are, your kinks, and what you find pleasurable so you can truly be yourself. You may find you get turned on by the ability to please someone through the ways you’ve been able to get to know yourself. Maybe you might experience subconscious restrictions preventing you from exploring your multiple dimensions. It could impact your health if you’re not keeping up with physical activity and what’s needed to be fulfilled on a daily basis. All the more reason to get in tune with yourself and your senses so you can enjoy the process of getting into someone else’s. Happy orgasm Pisces!

Aries, you are having so much fun this month. You naturally have a lot of energy and it’s important that you are mindful now more than ever of your impulsiveness. The energy this month can have you feeling a bit impatient and ready to explode. Try more active and/or creative outlets to negate this. This month, your energy will be focused on your inner world being expressed through your creative endeavors. It’s important that you tap into your creativity to help express any built up energy. Whether that be through movement or any hobbies you have (especially if that includes sex with your lover(s)). Make the adjustments you need in order to express yourself and focus your energy on feeding your heart joy. Sex for you this month will be more about tapping into your joy and creativity. Laughing and playing during sex is a part of this month’s pussy prescription. Take charge in being creative in the bedroom and please don’t forget to have fun, Aries.

Taurus, this month is a bit quieter for you. You’re feeling low-key. You may be acting from an unconscious space, so it’s important for you to be mindful of moments where you may lash out due to feeling protective over your space. It’s most likely because you’ll be sorting through your interconnected psyche. A good remedy for getting reconnected with your emotional world and sorting through your unconscious mind would be through masturbation. Your sign does rule this lovely art after all! It’s a beautiful thing when you can get lost in pleasure yourself. Touch yourself everywhere, explore ALL of your senses. You are known for having good taste, Taurus! Set the mood for yourself by cooking a nice meal, putting on some lingerie or a silk robe, lighting a candle with your favorite scent, putting on your sensual playlist, and INjoy.

Gemini, you already know how your mind works. Your SZN probably still has you feeling a bit overstimulated. Cancer SZN would be a good time to get some work done that requires the mental focus that you’ll actually have the capacity for this month. Just be mindful of being aggressive with your ideals. It could be effective if you were able to channel this energy into what you sapiosexuals INjoy. Don’t be afraid to let your partners know that you love being stimulated! Whether that be through your mind or you being choked (lol). I’m sure you probably have a partner for each craving you need satisfied. On the other hand, you may have that one person that can keep up with all of your dimensions as the mutable sign you are. It’s something about someone being able to stop your thoughts for just a moment while you cum, huh? It looks like car sex with a view will definitely be your vibe this month.